#!/usr/bin/env bash
if [[ -z "$php_version" ]];then
php_version="php"fi# echo "$php_version"# exit## # run a localhost:port server in the current directory.functionphp_server(){
port=$1if [[ "$port" == "" ]];then
dir=$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel 2>/dev/null)
cd"$dir"$php_version -S localhost:$port deliver.php
### Executes the php script at the autoload_build_path set in your secrets/general.bash file## @tip set up the current directory to be autoloaded by other php apps on the systemfunctionphp_autoload(){
source"${SCRIPT_ROOT}/secrets/general.bash"$php_version"${autoload_exec_path}"# php "${autoload_build_path}"
### Link to a vendor on my local system, using symlinks## @depends upon my personal fuzzy dir finding scriptfunctionphp_linkto(){
# echo "$@"
dir="$(fuzzy $@)"
name="$(php -r "require('$codeDir/lib/core.php'); echo package_name('$composer');")"
prompt_yes_or_no "Link $(pwd)/vendor/$name \n to $dir? " || returnif [[ -h "$(pwd)/vendor/$name" ]];then
rm "$(pwd)/vendor/$name"elif [[ -d "$(pwd)/vendor/$name" ]];then
date="$(date +%s)"# mv "$(pwd)/vendor/$name" "$(pwd)/vendor/${name}.${date}.bak"
rm -rf "$(pwd)/vendor/$name"elif [[ -s "$(pwd)/vendor/$name" ]];then
rm "$(pwd/vendor/$name)"fi
ln -s "$dir""$(pwd)/vendor/$name"if [[ -s "$(pwd)/vendor/$name" ]];thenecho"Linked!"elseecho"Link failed"fi