#!/usr/bin/env bash
function new(){
run new help
# run a localhost:port server in the current directory.
function new_project_php(){
msg_warn "Experimental, unpolished feature likely containing bugs"
msg_notice "New project in $(pwd)"
prompt_yes_or_no "Continue? " || return
msg "1. Make new project: \n https://gitlab.com/projects/new"
prompt "New Project URL (https):" https_url
git_url="$(https_url_to_ssh "$https_url")"
prompt "initial branch name: " branchName
git init -b "${branchName}"
git remote add origin "${git_url}"
git pull origin "${branchName}"
git fetch
cp "$(dirname $0)/../code/extra/composer.json" "$(pwd)/composer.json"
prompt "[enter] to continue & edit composer.json"
vim "$(pwd)/composer.json"
# git push --all
mkdir ./code
composer update
echo "vendor/" >> "$(pwd)/.gitignore"
mkdir ./.docsrc
mkdir ./.docsrc/sample
cp -r ./vendor/taeluf/code-scrawl/.docsrc ./.docsrc/sample
git add .
git commit -am "init repo"
git push --all
msg_instruct "1. Submit to Packagist"
msg "https url is ${https_url}"
msg " https://packagist.org/packages/submit"
prompt "[enter] to continue"
msg_instruct "2. Get API Key "
msg " https://packagist.org/profile/"
prompt "[enter] to continue"
msg_instruct "3. Setup integration"
msg " ${https_url}/-/services/packagist/edit"
msg_header "All done! hopefully"
bent status
msg_instruct "do a bent update / git push --all"
## Plans for new_project_php
# 1. new project on gitlab (can i prompt for project name & pre-fill gitlab form?)
# 2. git clone it
# 3. initialize code scrawl - config file, directory structure, placeholder readme & placeholder "features file to show everything scrawl can do4. Initialize php tester
# 5. Write deliver files
# 6. Init composer (& gitignore!)
# 7. Go to packagist to submit package
# 8. Go to gitlab for packagist integration
# Maybe each of my projects can have a sample folder from whcih contents get copied for a new project setup. Copy happens after composer install, so versioning is managed